Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"...got really high and wandered off..."

The thing I like most about South Park is that I can just imagine how much better and more hilarious it would be if one actually took drugs.

I mean, last night's episode with the towel that would randomly pop up to say, "Don't forget your towel!" "A towel is useful when you go swimming..." etc was just so... so... hmmm... so much like some of the stuff some of my dope-smoking friends would come up with and laugh at crazily (until they're lying on the floor, crying with laughter and you're just standing there going, "Riiiiiiight... I'll go away now...").

"But then one day Towelly got high and wandered off..."

And Towelly was created by evil aliens who'd come to invade Earth and take it over and I just thought that I should have posted this on my TeleVixen blog, but what the hey... it's here now *lol*

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