Friday, August 12, 2005


This is deeply odd and morbid, but it gave me a laugh... Courtesy of Rusty Berther, of Scared Weird Little Guys.

If you wondered what Mark Seymore from Hunters and Collectors would be like if he was a serial killer...

I will come for you at night time
I will raise you from your sleep
I will squeeze the life out of you
And put your body in the boot of my car

I will drive to a sparsely populated area
And I will dig a small and shallow grave
But your body won't fit in it
So I will hack off both your legs
And I will have to chop your arms off as well

Then I will throooooowwww your arrrrrrrrrrrms away
Throoooooooooow your arrrrmms away!

(to the tune of that I will come to you at night, I will kiss you in four places song that H&C did)

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