Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I have to admit, this made me nearly snort with laughter when I saw it, which is totally undignified *lol* But it's funny to see that there are 'Christians' out there who are just as moronic as the extremist 'Muslims' or others who take their faiths a bit too far and use them as excuses to kill/maim/destroy/etc for whatever messed up reason they concot to comfort themselves with (rather than saying, 'I just want to kill people I don't like because they have the audacity to disagree with ME,' which is more honest, really).

Extremes of anything can be really bad, so I'm just going to stick to my slogan of WWJKC.

Who Would Jesus Karate Chop.

And once you can figure that out... (Is it anyone at all? Or is it by alphabetical order? Or level of irritation? Or is it all people who listen to crap music?)... I must remind you that it's time for you to wax on, wax off... and watch the eyes. Don't wax them. Or whatever!

But on a serious note, I don't think Jesus would KC anyone. Well, I'm not 100% on that, but then He wasn't Asian when He was here on Earth, and I don't think that the Jews or Romans of the time had that much of a grasp on the whole concept of karate. And Jesus tended to be more about love, peace and healing rather than being able to kick someone's kidneys out... o.0

So why would idiots like Pat Robertson think that Jesus would support him in his calls for the Argentinian President to be assassinated? Why would they think that an invasion of Iraq is an opportunity to show that God can kick Allah's butt? Why would they think that it's good to show extreme hatred and prejudice to people of other faith groups?

If we can't get along with people here, irrespective of how they are or what they believe, how the heck are we meant to get along with them in Heaven?

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