Thursday, September 14, 2006

Della's childminding service

Captain Patch-Eye Peg-Leg, first mate Stripey Sparkle Bits and
cabin boy Jim-Bob on the White Foam, which is kind of like the Black Pearl in its
utter, striking dissimilarity to it...

Well, the small child is in the office again today, and as my officemate has heaps of work to do, I've been mostly keeping her entertained. So far we've made pirates out of pieces of plastic, stickers and textas, and boats for them out of pieces of packing foam (as pictured above).

Now it's on to jokes, as obscure and gloriously different as only children's jokes can be, including her joke, Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it had no head. It got chopped off by its bottom.

If anyone can explain the deep existential meaning of that, I'd appreciate it...


Dominique said...

That is easy to understand. Any 3yr old would find that halariously funny. Shame one you.

tell her the one about the barbies...

Three Barbies walked into a bar... you'd think the red head would be smarter.

Della said...

It's still just really bizarre... Funny, but bizarre. Guess it teaches chickens not to become contortionists.