Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Doggy Days

How bizarre!

I woke up at the usual sort of time (6.30, thanks to the alarm... *mutters*), got up, got dressed, had a drink and then went back to lie down for a while (at that sort of a time in the morning, I have to have a lie down after I've gotten up just to make sure I can face the day!).

Anyways, the alarm was set to go off for 7am or so, and I think I must have fallen asleep or something and perhaps turned the alarm of while I slept (!?) and only woke up 7.17 when I got an SMS and the alert for that woke me up! o.0

I was like, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!' but the SMS was from the people who usually give me a lift to work and they'd only just woken up then, too, as their alarm hadn't gone off, so I msg'd them back to say I'd walk to work. In between that time and leaving at 7.30, I decided that my dog should come to work with me, so we walked to work and now he's sitting on his rug (I brought a whole lot of his stuff with me) next to the desk.

It's probably like illegal, immoral and dreadful to have him here...

But it's nice at the same time - with him having been ill lately, I can keep an eye on him and be distracted by him as I attempt to work *lol* 'Twas funny packing up all of his stuff to bring in - food, water bowl, blankets, a tennis ball to play with. I was thinking, 'This is what it must be like to be a parent of a small child in some small kind of way.'


kris said...

your dog is so spoiled! lol!

now just to promote me:
hey check out my rendition of chris and life at!

doesn't chris look handsome (first version)

Della said...

You promotion wh*re! *lol*

Yay for lots of blogs!!!

kris said...

yeah, but doesn't he look cute? hehehe!

Della said...

He's cute indeed :) Although he's really sedate compared to the other dog that was at work recently *lol* But he is approaching 15 and a half...