Monday, July 04, 2005

Monday, Monday

Well, today started out interestingly. The people I usually get a lift to work with rang me at the time we usually meet to let me know that they'd just woken up *lol* I could either wait for them (another 50 minutes), find someone else to get a lift from (meh) or walk. So I decided to walk :)

On the way down the road, there's a highly irritating little white dog that always comes out and barks at whoever goes past and tried to bite my dog the other weekend. I'm always tempted to kick it (even though I usually love dogs. This one is a little evil b@stard, though). Anyways, this morning, it shoots out and starts barking, so I stared at it. It stopped for a while but the moment I turned my back, it chased after me growling and barking furiously. So I turned around, put on my most evil look and snarled/barked viciously back at it *teehee*

It was so funny! You should have seen and heard that dog! The moment I did that, it almost shot up in the air with surprise, had a look of fear on its face and shot off down the side of the hill squealing in terror.

Ah, my morning's work was done... *happy sigh*

Sure, it's not that nice to laugh about that dog, but if you'd met it, you'd know why it's such a horrible little creature!

Anyways, I got to work about five minutes after it had started, made a start on the 85 e-mails in my inbox (mmm, the joy of work e-mails), worked my a** off on getting the final touches of a late lot of news in to get to pre-press, avoided coffee, needed sleep and had a few laughs with co-workers.

Not a bad Monday morning, all in all.

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