Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A-Z of today...

A is for Age - 21
B is for Booze - No thanks :)
C is for Career - Working in publishing. Mmm, taste the stress!
D is for Dad's name - That's for me to know, and you to guess wildly about :)
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party - Something for the host.
F is for Favorite Song of the Moment - 99 Luftballons by Nena ties for number one with The Timewarp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do - Write blogs :)
H is for Hometown - Greenock, originally. I'm sticking with that, it has less murders than here :-p
I is for Instrument You Play - Piano.
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like - Pink Lemonade or the Blue Berry Aeroplane ones.
K is for Kids - Mercy no!
L is for Living Arrangement - Quickly approaching a time to change *le sigh*
M is for Mom's Name - See the answer to D ;)
N is for Names of Best Friends - Hmmm, I have lots of ppl I consider to be best friends.
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays - Too many to remember. Longest stay was for my appendix removal tho :) That was fun! Well, apart from the nearly dying thing, but it was good otherwise.
P is for Phobias - The dark outside on moonless nights.
Q is for Quote You Like - Right now in this very second, it's, 'Do you see the look on my face now? It means that you have just broken my mind!'
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest - My last ex.
S is for Siblings - None at all. Hurrah for me!
T is for Texas, ever been? - No. Nor do I intend to. Scummy place the spat out Dubyah!
U is for Unique Trait - I have a few. I guess one major one would be my natural white streak in my hair.
V is for Vegetable You Love - Potato. That must be my German side speaking, but mmmm... yay for potatoes!
W is for Worst Trait - Procrastination, bad temper when I'm sick, easily distracted.
X is for X-rays you've had - Left arm for break, aged around 3, left arm for break, aged around 10, right arm for break, aged around 11, ankles, wrists, some other joints aged about 12. What were they for? Well, the breaks were all because I was a total tomboy and lived on a farm... so many possibilities there (remember folks, do not try to hang upside down from a tree branch with your feet...) *lol* The joints were for a growth/height prediction thing for a leg straightening operation I was supposed to have.
Y is for Yummy Food You Make - I put together a good cheese/fruit/whatever's around platter when I have people over. Also do fantastic stewed apples with cinnamon and cloves, potato patties, cucumber salad, banana and raspberry bread, pumpkin soup (with verjuice and King Island Dairy cream), onion tart, avocado and cos lettuce salad with snow peas, etc...
Z is for Zodiac Sign - Leo, the king of all of the signs. Just the way I like it ;)


Kasumi said...

*decides to use similair for future post* XD though i am a born and raised Texan..i am not too proud of him either...don't base Texas off of him...he's a poor example ^.^ try Tommy Lee Jones, Eisenhower, Buddy Holly, Lyndon B. Johnson, Willie Nelson, Sandra DAy O' Conner,Dan Rather (if ya like him), Mary Kay (cosmeticics) and Carol Burnett; ^.^better examples lol

Della said...

Yup, there are always better people who come from Texas :D But I'm sorry that Bush is from there for your sake :)

Kasumi said...

lol XP thanx